Declaration of Accessibility

Subject: Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Law of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of public entities’ websites and mobile applications.

The accessibility statement applies to the website

Date of website publication: 03.10.2023

Status in terms of compliance with the law

At the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, we carry out activities aimed at ensuring digital accessibility of websites, mobile applications and their elements (files, multimedia).

The obligation to ensure digital accessibility is imposed by the Law on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities dated April 4, 2019.

Having implemented the guidelines resulting from a third-party audit in December 2023, the site meets the requirements for semantic code correctness in accordance with WCAG. However, The website is partially compliant with the Law on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities dated April 4, 2019 due to incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.

  • Some page elements are not fully digitally accessible (Shared documents may have an incorrect reading order or incorrect header hierarchy),
  • The site may have photos without alternative descriptions,
  • The site may contain fragments of texts in languages other than Polish, not preceded by a correct language declaration.

Declaration of architectural accessibility was made on the basis of an audit by an external company.
Declaration of availability is current as of 8 August 8 2024

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website.

Feedback and contact details

The person responsible for the university’s website is prof. Prot Jarnuszkiewicz – Vice-Chancellor for External Cooperation and Promotion. Please submit any comments to: Requests for inaccessible information and complaints about the lack of provision of accessibility can be submitted to the same address. Anyone has the right to request the provision of accessibility to a digital website, mobile application or some element thereof. It is also possible to request that information be made available in alternative forms, for example, reading a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a film without an audio-description, etc.The request should include the details of the person making the request, an indication of which website or mobile application is being requested and how to contact it.

If the requester indicates a need to receive the information in an alternative form, they should also specify the form of the information.

The public body should comply with the request immediately and no later than within 7 days. If it is not possible to comply with this time limit, the public body shall promptly indicate when it will be possible to comply with the request, which time limit shall not be longer than 2 months. If it is not possible to ensure availability, the public body may propose an alternative means of accessing the information.

If the entity refuses to comply with a request for accessibility or alternative access to information, a complaint may be lodged against such action. After all possibilities have been exhausted, a complaint can also be sent to the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Information and communication accessibility

Object – 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street in Warsaw

Rector’s Office Building (Czapski Palace)

The building houses all the organizational units of the central administration, that is, the Departments of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Doctoral School.

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • The elevator is equipped with voice announcements, the buttons in the elevator are marked in Braille.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • An induction loop is installed in the building. (Ground floor, Teaching Department, behind the main entrance to the left to the end of the corridor).
  • The service desk/reception desk is located to the right of the main entrance (phone number: 22 320 00 00).
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Building of the Faculty of Graphic Arts

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • The elevator is equipped with voice announcements, the buttons in the elevator are marked in Braille.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • There is an induction loop installed in the building. (1 floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Graphic Arts).
  • The reception desk is located in the main entrance (phone number: 22 320 02 58).
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Building of the Faculty of Painting

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • The elevator is equipped with voice announcements.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • An induction loop is installed in the building. (Ground floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Painting).
  • The reception desk is located opposite the main entrance (phone number: 22 320 02 58).
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Object – Myśliwiecka 8 Street in Warsaw

Entrance from Hoene-Wronski Street and from Mysliwiecka Street.

Faculty of Interior Design, Faculty of Design

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • There are 2 induction loops in the building (on the first floor in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Interior Design and in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Design).
  • The reception desk is located in the main entrance from Hoene-Wronski Street (phone number: 22 629 40 45).
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Object – 15 Spokojna Street in Warsaw

Faculty of Media Art

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • There is an induction loop installed in the building. (1st floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Media Art).
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Faculty of Sculpture

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • There is an induction loop installed in the building. (1st floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Sculpture).
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Object – 37/39 Wybrzeze Kosciuszkowskie Street

New building

Faculty of Stage Design, Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies, Foreign Language Studies, Interdepartmental Independent Chair of Theoretical Education

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • There are 3 induction loops in the building. (1st floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies and 2nd floor Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Scenography). In addition, a large-area induction loop has been installed in the Main Hall of the Academy of Fine Arts.
  • Reception is located in the main entrance, on the right
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Old building

Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Inter-University Institute for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art , Archive of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Publishing House of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (distribution/magazine)

  • A sound navigation system for the blind – TOTU POINT markers – has been installed in the building.
  • The rooms have been marked with Braille signs.
  • You can enter the building with your dog.
  • There is an induction loop installed in the building. (1st floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art).
  • The reception desk is located in the main entrance.
  • No interpreter of Polish Sign Language is available

Architectural accessibility

The Rector’s Office Building (Czapski Palace)

Budynek Rektoratu (Pałac Czapskich)

The building houses all the organisational units of the central administration, i.e. the Departments of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Doctoral School.

Entrance from 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street or from Traugutta Street.


Parking spaces for the disabled

  • You can use a parking space. There is 1 space in the car park designated for people with disabilities. Remember to take your parking card and place it behind the window.
  • There is a distance of approximately 10 metres from the parking space to the entrance of the building.

Parking payment

  • The car park is free of charge.

Enter the car park through the gate on Traugutta Street. The gate has a barrier which is monitored and operated by the building reception.

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember to bring your assistance dog’s certificate and vaccination certificate.
  • Water is provided for your pet.

Entrance to the building

Access to the main entrance.

  • The entrance is reached by symmetrical walkways on both sides of the stairs with a slope of approximately 10%. There are no handrails along the walkway.
  • There are 3 steps leading up to the entrance. The step height is 11 cm.
  • The steps are not marked with contrast.
  • The manoeuvring space of the restroom in front of the entrance is more than 200 centimetres.


  • You have to open the door manually or use the bell to summon an attendant, located to the right of the entrance.
  • The first door opens to the outside.
  • The second door opens inwards.

The force required to open the door

  • Opening the door requires a great deal of force.
  • The door is difficult to hold in the open position.
  • First door with two leaves. Wing width 80 centimetres.
  • Second double-leaf door. Door leaf width 70 centimetres.

Space behind the entrance

  • The service desk/reception area is located to the right of the main entrance (telephone number: 22 320 02 00).
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful.
  • The room is well lit.

Horizontal draughts


  • Level -1: Zecernia, catering premises, exhibition space
  • Level 0: Reception, Teaching Department, Erasmus Office, exhibition spaces
  • Level 1: technical floor
  • Level 2: Rector’s Office, Registry, Library
  • Level 3: technical floor
  • Level 4: Offices
  • Level 5: Storehouse of the Academy of Fine Arts Museum

Level differences

  • All corridors are accessible.

Vertical passages

  • You can use the lift.
  • You can also get to other floors by using the stairs


  • The flight of stairs between the floors consists of 16 steps,
  • A step is 17 centimetres high,
  • At the stairs there is a handrail along the entire flight,
  • The steps are not marked in contrast,
  • There are no tactile warning strips in front of the stairs.


  • The lift is located in the building about 15 metres to the left of the main entrance,
  • The lift doors open automatically,
  • The width of the lift door is 100 centimetres,
  • The lift cabin is 210 centimetres deep and 120 centimetres wide,
  • The control buttons have Braille descriptions,
  • The control buttons have large markings,
  • The markings are contrasting,
  • The lowest control buttons are at a height of 85 centimetres,
  • There are voice announcements in the lift,
  • In case of problems – call the gatehouse on telephone no: 22 320 02 00 or use the emergency button.


Accessible rooms

  • Approximately 95 % of the rooms are accessible for wheelchair users. The exception is the typesetting shop on floor -1. Access from inside the building to the catering unit on level -1 requires overcoming 1 step with a height of 15 cm.


  • There is a disabled-accessible toilet in the building,
  • The toilet is located next to the lift on level 0. (15 metres to the left of the main entrance),
  • You have to open the door manually,
  • The door opens outwards,
  • The door easily stays in the open position,
  • There are no obstacles to wheelchair access to the bathroom.

Toilet – additional information

  • The width of the entrance opening is 105 centimetres,
  • There are 2 emergency call cords in the toilet (the call system is at the toilet and the washbasin),
  • The manoeuvring space is 200 x 150 centimetres,
  • The space on the left side of the toilet is 25 centimetres,
  • The manoeuvring space on the right side of the toilet is 150 centimetres.

Grab bars at the toilet

  • The handhold is on the right side of the paragraph.

Building of the Faculty of Graphic Arts

Entrance from 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street or from Traugutta Street.


Parking spaces for the disabled

  • You can use a parking space. There is 1 space in the car park designated for people with disabilities. Remember to take your parking card and place it behind the window,
  • There is a distance of approximately 70 metres from the parking space to the entrance of the building.

Parking payment

  • The car park is free of charge.

Enter the car park through the gate on Traugutta Street. The gate has a barrier which is monitored and operated by the Campus Reception (telephone number: 22 320 00 00).

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember to bring your assistance dog’s certificate and vaccination certificate.
  • We provide water for your pet.

Entrance to the building

Access to the main entrance.

  • There is a footpath leading to the entrance with a slope of approximately 10%. There are no handrails along the walkway,
  • There are also 3 steps leading up to the entrance,
  • The steps are not marked in contrast,
  • The manoeuvring space of the restroom in front of the entrance is more than 150×140 centimetres.


  • The first door is automatic, opened by a button located to the right of the entrance,
  • The door opens outwards. They are 105 cm wide,
  • The second, double doors open both ways. The width of the door is 130 cm.

The force required to open the door

  • The first door is opened automatically,
  • The second door is double-leafed. The width of the leaf is 65 centimetres. They have a door closer.

The space behind the entrance

  • The reception area of the Graphics Department is located to the right of the main entrance (telephone number: 22 320 02 58).
  • An induction loop is installed in the building. (1st floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Graphic Arts,
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful.,
  • The room is well lit.

Horizontal draughts


  • The rooms are located on 5 floors
  • Level -1: Workrooms. Not accessible to wheelchair users,
  • Level 0: Reception, studios,
  • Level 1: Dean’s office, studios,
  • Level 2: Workrooms, toilet for people with disabilities,
  • Level 3.

Level differences

  • All corridors are accessible by lift

Vertical passages

  • You can use the lift.,
  • You can also access other floors using the stairs.


  • At the stairs there is a handrail along the entire flight,
  • The steps are not marked in contrast,
  • There are no tactile warning strips in front of the stairs.


  • The lift is located in the building about 20 metres from the main entrance,
  • The lift doors open automatically,
  • The width of the lift doors is 90 centimetres,
  • The lift cabin is 110 by 140 centimetres,
  • The lowest control buttons are at a height of 93 centimetres,
  • There are voice announcements in the lift,
  • In case of problems – call the reception on telephone no: 22 320 02 79 or use the emergency button.


  • There is a disabled accessible toilet in the building,
  • The toilet is located on level 2 (40 metres from the lift exit, at the end of the corridor),
  • You have to open the door manually,
  • The door opens outwards,
  • The door easily stays in the open position,
  • There are no obstacles to wheelchair access to the bathroom.

Toilet – additional information

  • The width of the entrance opening is 90 centimetres,
  • The toilet is fitted with lines to call for assistance,
  • The manoeuvring space is 180 x 250 centimetres,
  • The space on the left side of the paragraph is 75 centimetres,
  • The manoeuvring space on the right side of the toilet is 70 centimetres.

Grab bars at the toilet

  • The handhold is on the right side of the paragraph.

Building of the Faculty of Painting

The building also houses the Institute of Public Space Research.
Entrance from 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street or from Traugutta Street.


Parking spaces for the disabled

  • You can use a parking space. There is 1 space in the car park designated for people with disabilities. Remember to take your parking card and place it behind the window.
  • There is a distance of approximately 70 metres from the parking space to the entrance of the building.

Parking payment

  • The car park is free of charge.

Enter the car park through the gate on Traugutta Street. There is a barrier at the gate which is monitored and operated by the Campus Reception (telephone number: 22 320 00 00).

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember to bring your assistance dog’s certificate and vaccination certificate.
  • We provide water for your pet.

Entrance to the building


  • The first door is automatic, opened by a button located to the right of the entrance,
  • The door opens outwards. They are 100 cm wide,
  • The second, double doors open both ways. The width of the door is 130 cm.

The force required to open the door

  • The first door is opened automatically,
  • The second door is double-leafed. The width of the leaf is 65 centimetres. They have a door closer.

Space behind the entrance

  • The service point/reception desk is located directly opposite the main entrance (telephone number: 22 320 02 79),
  • An induction loop is installed in the building. (Ground floor, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Painting,
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful,
  • The room is well lit.

Horizontal draughts


  • The rooms are located on 5 levels,
  • Level -1: Workrooms. Not accessible to wheelchair users,
  • Level 0: Reception, Dean’s Office, studios, toilet for people with disabilities,
  • Level 1: Workrooms,
  • Level 2: Workrooms,
  • Level 3.

Level differences

  • Level differences

Vertical passages

  • You can use the lift,
  • You can also get to other floors by using the stairs.


  • At the stairs there is a handrail along the entire flight,
  • The steps are not marked in contrast,
  • There are no tactile warning strips in front of the stairs.


  • The lift is located in the building about 20 metres from the main entrance,
  • The lift doors open automatically,
  • The width of the lift doors is 90 centimetres,
  • The lift cabin is 110 by 140 centimetres,
  • The lowest control buttons are at a height of 93 centimetres,
  • If you have any problems – call the gatehouse on tel: 22 320 02 58 or use the emergency button.


  • There is a disabled-accessible toilet in the building,
  • The toilet is located on the ground floor. (25 metres from the main entrance),
  • You have to open the door manually,
  • The door opens outwards,
  • The door easily stays in the open position,
  • There are no obstacles to wheelchair access to the bathroom.

Toilet – additional information

  • The width of the entrance opening is 90 centimetres,
  • The toilet is fitted with lines to call for assistance,
  • The manoeuvring space is 175 x 240 centimetres,
  • The space on the left side of the toilet is 25 centimetres,
  • The manoeuvring space on the right side of the toilet is 110 centimetres.

Grab bars at the toilet

  • The handhold is on the right side of the paragraph.

Object – Myśliwiecka 8 Street in Warsaw

Faculty of Interior Design, Faculty of Design

Entrance from Hoene-Wrońskiego Street and from Myśliwiecka Street.


Parking spaces for people with disabilities

The building is currently undergoing renovation, so the car park is not suitable for people with disabilities.

Payment for parking

  • The car park is free of charge.

The car park is located in the inner courtyard, entry restricted by a barrier.

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember the assistance dog certificate and vaccination certificate.
  • The dog must be muzzled. Not applicable to guide dogs.

Entrance to the building

Access to the main entrance.

  • There are stairs leading up to the entrance.


  • You must open the door manually.

Force required to open the door

  • Opening the door requires a lot of force.
  • The width of the entrance opening of one door leaf is 70 centimetres.

Space behind the entrance

  • Two induction loops are installed in the building – in the dean’s office of the Faculty of Design and in the dean’s office of the Faculty of Interior Design,
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful,
  • The room is well lit,
  • The service desk/reception area is located on the ground floor at the main entrance,
  • The countertop is lowered and can be approached by a person in a wheelchair.

Horizontal draughts


  • The premises are located on 5 floors in two wings.

Level differences

  • Some corridors are not accessible for wheelchair users.

Vertical routes

  • You can reach the other floors by means of stairs


  • A flight of stairs consists of 20 steps,
  • A step is 15 centimetres high,
  • At the stairs there is a handrail along the entire flight.


  • No lift


  • We do not have an accessible toilet for people with disabilities

Object – 15 Spokojna Street in Warsaw

Faculty of Media Art

The buildings of the Media Art Department are not wheelchair accessible. The building is under the protection of the conservator of historical monuments, and any upgrades need the approval of the above-mentioned authority.

External and internal doors are mostly single-leaf, but there are also double doors that open through latches that are inaccessible from wheelchair height. There can be a difference of two levels in one corridor. The door openings do not have the required width for a wheelchair. There are places in the corridors where it is difficult or impossible to manoeuvre a wheelchair.


Parking spaces for people with disabilities

  • You can make use of a parking space. We have designated 2 spaces in the car park for people with disabilities. Remember to take your parking card and place it behind the window,
  • The parking spaces are painted blue and correctly marked,
  • There is a distance of approximately 40 metres from the parking space to the entrance of the building.

Parking payment

  • Parking is free of charge.

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember to bring your assistance dog certificate and vaccination certificate,
  • Your dog must have a muzzle. Does not apply to guide dogs,
  • We provide water for your pet

Entrance to the building

Access to the main entrance.

  • A staircase leads to the entrance
  • There is a handrail by the stairs


  • You have to open the door manually,
  • They open outwards

Force required to open the door

  • No great force is required to open the door,
  • The door has a convenient and ergonomic handle,
  • Can be easily held open.

Space behind the entrance

  • There is an induction loop in the building (Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Media Arts, 1st floor, access via stairs with treatment),
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful,
  • The room is well lit,
  • The service desk/reception area is opposite the main entrance, two steps, communication through a window suitable for this, but at an obstructed height

Horizontal routes


  • The rooms are located on 2 floors

Level differences

  • Some corridors are not accessible for wheelchair users

Vertical routes

  • Other floors can only be accessed by stairs


  • At the stairs there is a handrail along the entire flight.


Accessible rooms

  • None of the rooms are wheelchair accessible due to the stairs and the width of the doors, which are double doors in most rooms


A bathroom for people with disabilities in the Faculty of Media Arts building (staircase 1) entrance to the Dean’s Office.

  • The bathroom is located just behind the entrance, on the right, behind a glass door, door colour pink.
    Wheelchair access possible, but only from the bathroom level. PLEASE NOTE: The bathroom is currently not accessible from the outside for wheelchair users!,
  • Dimensions: 254 cm x 198 cm,
  • Right-hand door 98 cm wide, opening manually, remaining open without obstruction,
  • Handle on the right side, distance of the handle from the toilet 20 cm, on the left side a movable arm at a distance of 20 cm,
  • Bell on the right side of the toilet/just behind the grab bar, appeal at the washbasin on the left side/switch marked with a green square,
  • Manoeuvring space 150 cm, x 140 cm

Handrails at the toilet

  • No handrails in all bathrooms of the faculty (excepting bathroom for people with disabilities)

Faculty of Sculpture


Parking spaces for people with disabilities

  • You can use a parking space. We have designated 2 spaces in the car park for people with disabilities. Remember to take your parking card and place it behind the window.
  • The parking spaces are painted blue and correctly marked
  • There is a distance of approximately 12 metres from the parking space to the entrance of the building.

Parking payment

  • Parking is free of charge

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember to bring your assistance dog certificate and vaccination certificate,
  • The dog must be muzzled. Not applicable for guide dogs,
  • We provide water for your pet.

Entrance to the building

Access to the main entrance

  • The entrance is at ground level. There are no obstacles for wheelchair access,
  • There is a permanent ramp leading up to the entrance with a slope (Slope value approx. 4 %),
  • The manoeuvring space in front of the entrance is 200 centimetres.


  • The door must be opened manually
  • They open outwards

Force required to open the door

  • The door has a convenient and ergonomic handle,
  • Can be easily held open,
  • The width of the entrance opening is 90 centimetres,
  • Use the door bell

Space behind the entrance

  • An induction loop is installed in the building (Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Sculpture),
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful,
  • The room is well lit,
  • The service desk/reception area is on the ground floor,
  • The countertop is lowered and can be approached by a person in a wheelchair,
  • There are evacuation chairs in the building. (left side from entrance)

Horizontal draughts


  • The premises are on 2 floors

Level differences

  • Lift access via ramp 10%
  • All corridors are accessible

Vertical passages

  • You can reach the other floors by using the stairs
  • You can use the lifty


  • There is a handrail along the entire flight of stairs
  • The steps are not marked in contrast


  • The lift doors open automatically
  • Lift location level 0
  • The control buttons have large markings


Accessible rooms

  • All rooms are accessible to wheelchair users


  • There is a disabled-accessible toilet in the building
  • Location of accessible toilet: level -1, access by lift
  • You have to open the door manually
  • The door opens outwards
  • The door easily remains in the open position
  • There are no obstacles for wheelchair access to the bathroom

Additional information

  • There is a baby changing table in the toilet
  • Handrails are installed on the walls only in the toilet for people with disabilities

Object – 37/39 Wybrzeze Kosciuszkowskie Street

New building

  • Department of Scenography
  • Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies
  • Foreign Language Studies
  • Interdepartmental Department of Theoretical Education

Old building

  • Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art
  • Inter-University Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art

From the inner courtyard of the building: entrance through the gate of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 37A/1

  • Archive of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • Publishing House of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (distribution/magazine)


Parking spaces for people with disabilities

  • You may use a parking space. In the car park in front of the building there is one space designated for people with disabilities. Remember to take your parking card and place it behind the window,
  • The parking space is painted blue and correctly marked,
  • There is a distance of approximately 15 metres from the parking space to the entrance of the building.

Parking payment

  • Parking is free of charge for those with a parking card.

A parking space for a person with a disability is located directly in front of the building.

Assistance dog

  • You can come with an assistance dog or a guide dog. Remember to bring your assistance dog’s certificate and vaccination certificate,
  • The dog must have a muzzle. Not applicable for guide dogs,
  • We provide water for your pet, information at reception.

Entrance to the building

Access to the main entrance – new building:

  • The entrance is at ground level. There are no obstacles for wheelchair access.

Access to the main entrance – old building:

  • The manoeuvring space in front of the entrance is 200 centimetres.
  • A staircase leads to the entrance.

Entrance (old and new building)

  • You have to open the door manually.
  • They open outwards.

Force required to open the door (old and new building)

  • Opening the door does not require much force,
  • They can easily be held open,
  • The width of the entrance opening is 100 centimetres (it is possible to open a second leaf to further increase the entrance opening),
  • The door is transparent and is contrastingly marked.

Space behind the entrance (old and new building)

  • Induction loops are installed in the building (deanery rooms),
  • The space is generally quiet and peaceful,
  • The room is well lit,
  • The service desk/reception area is located (on the right just after the main entrance),
  • The countertop is lowered and can be approached by a person in a wheelchair (new building only),
  • There are evacuation chairs in the building. (Room 2.04 next to the main auditorium)

Horizontal draughts


  • Rooms are on one floor but on different levels
  • Rooms are located on 4 floors.

Differences in level

  • Some corridors are not accessible for wheelchair users
  • Differences in levels can be overcome with passenger lifts.

Vertical routes

  • You can get to the other floors by using the stairs.
  • You can use the lift.


  • A flight of stairs consists of 125 steps
  • A step is 14 centimetres high
  • There is a handrail along the entire flight of stairs.


  • The lift doors open automatically
  • Lift door width 120 centimetres
  • Location of lifts:
    • two lifts in the new building immediately behind the main entrance
    • the lift connecting the old and the new building is located deep inside the new building
  • The lift is located in the building
  • The lift cabin is 140 centimetres deep and 140 centimetres wide
  • The control buttons have Braille descriptions
  • The control buttons have large markings
  • The lowest control buttons are at a height of 110 centimetres
  • If you have any problems, please call the service team on telephone number (607 520 511).)


Accessible roomsń

  • Approximately 90 % of the rooms are accessible to wheelchair users.


  • There is an accessible toilet in the building for people with disabilities
  • Location of the accessible toilet (level -1 – new building)
  • You have to open the door manually
  • The door opens outwards
  • The door easily stays in the open position
  • There are no obstacles to wheelchair access to the bathroom.

Additional information

  • SThe width of the entrance opening is 100 centimetres
  • Handrails are installed on the walls
  • The manoeuvring space is 140 x 250 centimetres
  • The manoeuvring space in front of the toilet is 140 x 200 centimetres
  • The space to the left of the toilet is 20 centimetres
  • The manoeuvring space on the right side of the paragraph is 80 centimetres.

Grab bars

  • The handhold is on the right side.

Open-air house of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Address: Dłużew 40, 05-332 Siennica

  • Entrance; local road in Dłużew village
  • Lifts: none, corridors unsuitable
  • Parking: yes
  • Reception desk: no
  • Pictograms: yes
  • Driveways: no